Mizuna mustard green seeds
This mustard green originated in Japan and is a close relative to the turnip. The green is usually grown for commercial salad mixes and is rich in several nutrients. The flavor has pleasant bitter notes and a slight peppery flavor. This member of the brassica family also acts as an effective pollinator attractor. When left to seed, the plant produces tall towers of greens with bright yellow flowers that steal the glances of bees, butterflies, ladybugs, and many other benefits in your garden!
This green holds a flavor profile all its own and is prized in kitchens across the world. If the leaves are picked when they are large, they can be frozen also! This plant is a great stand-in if arugula is missing. Although the flavor is similar, it's not nearly as pungent. Since it belongs to the brassica family, it thrives in cooler weather and is frost tolerant, so folks in the colder regions...give it a go!
Seed count: 200 seeds
Botanic name:
Brassica rapa var. nipposinica
Plant spacing:
8-10 inches
Dark green foliage with yellow flowers
Sowing depth:
1/4 inch
Sun requirements:
Full sun / part shade
Mizuna is extremely rich in nutrients and can be used in stir-fries, salads, or in place of collard greens in recipies.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
30-60 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
Japanese Mustard greens, Konys, or Spider Mustard
Vine Habit: