Jade Knight F1 Pumpkin seeds
The Jade Knight F1 pumpkin is a unique blocky and slightly flattened pumpkin with unique grey-green skin, subtle ribbing, and sweet yellow thick flesh inside. Jade Knight is a lighter green on the vine but will darken after they sun-cure. This variety was developed to yield several pumpkins per vine.
This variety has intermediate resistance to powdery mildew and mosaic virus. This variety also goes great with other white varieties ( casperita, polar bear, Valenciano, etc). or other green/grey/blue varieties (blue doll, Queensland blue, strawberry crown, jarrahdale, marina di Chioggia, etc). This is ideal for ornamental purposes and for baked goods and pastries.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
- 24" - 36" apart
- 10' - 12' for rows
Light green to dark jade color with light striations up the sides
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full Sun
Jade Knight excels as an ornamental and is a great addition to savory dishes.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
90 - 100 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Not recomended
Other names:
Vine Habit:
Full vine
6-7 lbs.
Disease and pest resistance:
Strong resistance to powdery mildew and mosaic virus