Catnip seeds
Catnip is part of the mint family and has numerous uses. As the name implies, Catnip is a magnet for cats and pollinators. Catnip is a common ingredient in several teas as well. An online search will shed some healthy benefits this plant provides. Catnip is great for making fresh-cut floral arrangements, stuffing inside cat toys, or for container gardening. The leaves are an. attractive grayish-green color, while the blooms are light lavender color. Catnip has many practical, medicinal, and culinary uses. The leaves have a citrusy-mint flavor.
Seed count: approx. 200
Botanic name:
Nepeta cataria
Plant spacing:
12" - 18" apart
Gray-Green leaves, bright lavender blooms
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full sun / part shade
Catnip is ideal for stuffing into cat toys, utilizing in tea recipes, attracting pollinators, and for use in floral arrangements.
Frost Hardy:
Maturity days:
50-60 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
Nepeta cataria, Cataire, Catnep, Catswort, Hierba Gatera Chataire, Field Balm, Herbe à Chat, and Herbe aux Chats.