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Two cobs of glass gem corn.

Glass Gem Corn seeds

SKU: G239823

Glass gem has emerged as one of the most popular ornamental corn varieties in recent years. Each cob is a total wild card. We've grown this the past few years and it never ceases to amaze. I say this because each kernel you plant will come out different than the rest. We've noticed each cob has its own "base" color, but then random colors emerge amongst the kernels and they're always complimentary to the main color. Although the images vary, they are all from the same variety. Each cob will produce a wide variety of reds, greens, pinks, purples, blues, yellows, oranges, etc. The kernels are more glass-like, or "gem-like" when the corn is at its harvest stage. Once the cobs begin to dry out, the kernels become a bit more opaque but no less stunning. 

Corn stalks can reach up to 10 feet tall. Cobs will be around 6"- 8" inches Each stalk will yield 3 - 6 cobs. This is ornamental corn. You can eat it although it's not preferred...unless you pop it, then it's amazing. Results will vary greatly with this corn, but that's part of the fun! Each year you get something different.


Seed count: 30

  • Botanic name:

    Zea mays

  • Plant spacing:

    6 - 12 inches / space rows 30 inches apart


  • Color:

    Reds, pinks, blues, greens, purples, yellows, oranges, greens, and white.

  • Sowing depth:

    3/4 - 1 inch


  • Sun requirements:



  • Utilization:

    This excels as an ornamental corn. Great for wall hanging, wreaths, Thanksgiving and fall displays, and makes an exellent popping corn. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    110 - 120 days


  • Life cycle:



  • Can I start indoors:

    Not recommended

  • Container friendly:

    Yes, to a degree. Corn can be grown in containers although with limited results. Stalks can be shorter and produce less cobs. The bigger the container, the better. 

  • Other names:

    Celeste, Circus colors, Blue pearls baby colors, Montezuma’s platinum corn, Pearl corn


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Ash Hollow Farm LLC / Blue Pumpkin Seed Co. 

Ash Hollow Tea Co.


3609 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. Ste. 31-1088

Colorado Springs, Co. 80918

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Mon-Friday: 9-5

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