Dickinson Pumpkin seeds
When you buy Libby's canned pumpkin, it's not actually pumpkin but this exact squash. Yep....squash. This variety of squash originated in Central and South America. It can weigh upwards of 10-35 pounds and is extremely heat tolerant. The exterior is smooth and the shape is unique in that it will begin to bottleneck or taper at the end where the blossom was. This squash can keep for 5-6 months, so the shelf life alone is enough to give this one a go.
This was first introduced by Elijah Dickinson who had cultivated the seeds that would spread throughout the U.S. This particular squash is not only one of the best for "pumpkin" pies, but with a 100-day maturity date for its size, you can expect these to grow at a faster pace than other squash varieties. Libby's owes their entire pumpkin empire to this rather noble squash. Long vines will produce 2-3 large fruits.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
C. maschata
Plant spacing:
24-36 inches for hills / 8-12 inches or rows
Light orange / buff
Sowing depth:
1 inch
Sun requirements:
Pies, pastries, tarts, breads, muffins, and other deserts. These are also good stewed and roasted.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
100-110 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
Kentucky field pumpkin, Dickinson squash, Libby's pumpkin, Libby's squash
Vine Habit: