Cotton Candy F1 Pumpkin seeds (treated)
**Treated and untreated seeds available, see other listing for untreated seeds.
The Cotton Candy F1 pumpkin is an exquisite white variety distinguished by its robust handles, elevating its visual allure. Harvesting and storing these pumpkins in a dark environment is key for maintaining their optimal white color. With a weight range between 5 and 12 lbs, this cultivar is versatile and well-suited for various decorative purposes, especially painting. Boasting a white flesh, this pumpkin adds an extra layer of elegance to its overall appearance. Despite its name, the Cotton Candy F1 pumpkin is not recommended for consumption. Its luminous exterior, sturdy handles, and commitment to a pure white hue make it a captivating addition to fall decorations and artistic projects.
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
- 24-36" apart
- 10-12' for rows
Bright White exterior
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
The Cotton Candy F1 pumpkin shines as an ideal choice for festive carving or enhancing contrast in pumpkin displays. Its neutral color complements other pumpkins seamlessly, allowing for versatile and eye-catching arrangements.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
95-105 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Not recommended
Other names:
Vine Habit:
Full vine
10-12 lbs.
Disease / Pest: