Butterbush Butternut Squash (F1) seeds
These are perfect for container gardening or for those who are limited on garden real estate or only have a balcony or small porch. The Butterbush is hybrid butternut squash that is extremely compact. Each squash weighs in at a meager 1.5 lbs., perfect for a single serving.
Each squash is petite with pale-cream-colored skin while the inside has succulent, dense, sweet dark orange/copper flesh. Since these are smaller that means they mature faster as well. This also makes them ideal for folks with shorter growing seasons. A 5 - 7 gallon container will accommodate this variety if you are growing in containers.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
3-4 feet if doing hills or 3-6 feet if planting in rows
Light buff/ light tan
Sowing depth:
1 inch
Sun requirements:
Full Sun
Stuffed, baked, roasted, sauteed, steamed.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
75-85 days
Life cycle:
Start indoors:
Container friendly: