All Seasons Cabbage seeds
The majority of cabbages only thrive in cooler weather, early Spring and early Autumn. What makes All Seasons Cabbage unique, is that it grows well in cool or warm climates, hence the name. This is an ideal variety for folks in warmer areas. This cabbage is heat resistant and won't yellow.
All Seasons Cabbage is a cross between Flat Dutch cabbage and Drum head cabbage. It was developed by a farm marketer by the name of Mr. Vandergraw. He recognized the benefits of both varieties and crossed them. This has also earned All Seasons cabbage the secondary name of Vandergraw cabbage. It's also been called All Year cabbage. Since this variety isn't a savoy type, the leaves are smooth and sturdy which makes this cabbage great for soups and for cabbage rolls or cabbage wraps. These also do well with steaming.
The cabbage heads are tight-leafed and firm. Each head will weigh about 11 - 14 pounds. They are round with a slightly flattened top.
Seed count: 200
Botanic name:
Brassica oleracea
Plant spacing:
18" - 24" apart
Dark and light greens
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full sun
Seed type:
Eaten raw, steam, sauteed, great for coleslaw and cabbage wraps.
Frost Hardy:
Maturity days:
65-70 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
The Vandergaw, Novelty, and All Year Cabbage