Porcelain Doll F1 Pumpkin seeds (Treated)
This one is a show-stopper! The Porcelain Doll pumpkin is a chunky pink-colored pumpkin with thick ridged ribs and a very tasty deep orange inner flesh with delicate honey notes. Perfect for Autumn displays, cooking, and growing of course! Originally bred to represent breast cancer awareness, this increasingly popular variety is also a relative of the equally beautiful blue doll pumpkin. This pumpkin will reach a rich pink hue and sometimes be accented by turquoise-colored markings.
The porcelain doll pumpkin has intermediate resistance to powdery mildew. A hearty plant that produces 3 to 4 generous size fruits reaching up to 15-25 lbs. Vines can reach up to 20 feet so give this one plenty of room to crawl. You can also trellis with proper vine training and additional support for the large pumpkins.
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
- 24" - 36" apart
- 10' - 12' for rows
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full sun
Porcelain Doll pumpkins are highly ornamental and a great baking pumpkin.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
90-100 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Not recommended
Other names:
Pink Pumpkin, Susan G Komen pumpkin
Vine Habit:
Full vine
20-25 lbs.
Disease / Pest:
- Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew
- Intermediate resistance to downy mildew